Color reduction & Colorways

Color reduction, Colorize Designs, Create Colorways

Coloration: The Colorway PlugIn.

With Coloration, you define the colours in a design, either automatically or by picking them, and then replace them with
your colorbook colors to define your colorways.

Get your result with your color swatches if you wish so as a photoshop® file that integrates seamlessly in your workflow.

MacOSX and Windows

Coloration: Farben reduzieren

Farbvarianten erstellen

Getting the colours

The firs step will be to define the colours in the design, either by selecting them manually,

or  by leaving the Program automatically search for them.

Creating Colorways

Once the colours defined, you can change them with the colours of one of your colorbooks.

The colorways can be drawn in full, flat colours, or dithered.

Compare Colorways

you can compare and choose between colorways in a preview of all defined variations .

Collorways can be copied to serve as a start point defining new ones.

Colouring options

Colours can be rendered as full, dithered or flat colours.

The rendering can be switched at will during the colouring process.

1. Full Color: displays your design with the selected colours, preserving the shadings and colour mixes,
similar to a stencil print.

2. Flat colors: renders your design with the colours you selected ignoring any shading

3. Dithering: the colours in the design are restated by juxtaposition of points of the selected colours

Getting results

The result of your work will be directly drawn into Photoshop.

Add color swatch

to add color stripes to your colourways define the layout that best suits your needs,

choosing to show:

– The color field
– The Name of the color
– The RGB value
– The CMYK value

Each colourway is drawn on a separate layer in the original file in Photoshop®.